How to have a “Bail Me out Fund Raiser”

| May 21, 2014

There are many ways people can raise money for a non-profit organization, and among all these methods, bail me out fund raiser is a fun and entertaining way that definitely has to be tried. The main idea of this method is that people volunteer to be “arrested” and locked in a “jail”, going therefore before a “judge” who will set the bail amount. Therefore, the one who volunteered to be arrested must raise the bail money in order to be released.

If you want to have a “Bail me out fund raiser”, you should follow the following instructions:

1. First of all you will need to select the time and the location where the “Bail me out fund raiser” will be held. You have many options, such as your place, a friend’s place, school cafeteria, etc. However, you should keep in mind that you need a location where you can find a place for the judge, a room for the one who volunteered to be “arrested” and a place for the observers. This is why you need to pay attention to all the places available, making sure to choose the one that fits the “Bail me out fund raiser”.

2. Once you have established the location, you will need a person who is willing to get “arrested”. You can find some volunteers, as mentioned before, or you can pay a small fee in order to issue an “arrest warrant” for someone you want to see “arrested”. The charges are usually quite humorous and they are invoking reasons such as “he/she wouldn’t smile”, and many other entertaining reasons. In this way you will go there, presenting the charges, and “arresting” that person.

3. After it is established who the “arrested” person will be, he/she will be taken to the event location. There the judge will set the bail amount, and in order to be released, he/she will have to raise the entire amount of money. He can choose to call his friends or family, who may pay the entire bail amount, or just a small portion of it. Another alternative is to persuade the people who are attending the event. He/she can use some funny means to convince the audience.

4. Once the “arrested” volunteer manages to raise the entire amount, he/she will be released. However, you must keep in mind that before releasing them, you will need to obtain the funds of each one of the people who pledged the donations.

This is one of many fund raising ideas, being really fun and interactive. Usually the amount of money is not too high, and the “arrested” person is able to raise the entire amount in a short period of time. There are many good causes that need money, and therefore this is a great way of helping them, having fun at the same time. As you can see, this is a great opportunity of doing something good for someone else.

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Category: Fundraising Tips, Ideas and Strategies

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